Volunteering at School

Parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer at school. All volunteers must pre-arrange their volunteer work with individual teachers or staff. They will report first to the school office to sign in and receive a visitor’s badge. This badge must be worn while the visitor is on the school grounds. To ensure the safety of our students, visitors without a visitor badge will be asked to go to the office to get one.
Frequent volunteers who will be on campus working with students on a regular basis throughout the year, or who will be driving students in a private vehicle for a school function, will need to complete a Frequent Volunteer Application. In accordance with Board Policy No. 1240, the application will be taken to the Sheriff’s Department to complete a Megan’s Law check.
Please contact the office if you have questions or need more information.
Click here for the Volunteer Application Link
- Family Resources
- Bell Schedule
- Comprehensive School Safety Plan
- Family Involvement
- Nutrition
- Orchard Expanded Learning Program
- Orchard FACEBOOK Link
- Orchard General Ed Bus Routes
- Orchard PTO Page (Parent Teacher Organization)
- Orchard School Registration
- Orchard Sports Page
- Parent/Student Handbook
- Parent-School Compact
- Parent Portal (Aeries) Helpful Link
- Parking Lot Safety
- TRUSD School Calendar Page